Continuing to Bring Together Biophysicists in the Bluegrass State

The third BPS-supported Kentucky Networking Event took place on May 12 at the University of Kentucky. The event, organized by Trevor Creamer; University of Kentucky, focused on molecular biophysics and had over 80 registrants from numerous institutions including the University of Kentucky, University of Louisville, University of Cincinnati, University of Tennessee, IUPUI, Miami University of Ohio, Ohio State University, Northeastern University of Illinois, Transylvania University, Georgetown College, and Wright State University.

Trevor wraps up the event for us:

The number of registrants, the distances many were willing to travel for a one day event and the quality of the talks and posters, indicates that there is a lot of very good molecular biophysics being done on the area. I am surprised every year that people are willing to drive 4-6 hours each way for a one day event like this. I am also pleasantly surprised at the number of people who have attended all three years we have held this symposium. Although many of the attendees have participated in one or both of our previous events, we also draw new people each year. This means that there are plenty of opportunities for people to make new contacts/colleagues/friends. This certainly seemed to be occurring this year. We hope to continue this symposium annually.

Were you at the Kentucky Networking Event? Share your experience in the comments below!

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